Welcome to the Rainbow Bend Website - updated 3/31/2025
COMMON ARE PARKING RULES - Vehicles parked in the common area parking lots/areas MUST be moved every (7) seven days per the Rules & Regulations. If you need to park for a longer period (such as extended vacation), you must notify patrol to avoid having your vehicle towed at your expense. We will be monitoring these parking areas and any vehicles parked for longer than (7) seven days will be tagged and towed. Also, all vehicles parked in the common area parking areas must be operational, licensed, and insured.
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions are limits and rules that are placed on our group of homes here in Rainbow Bend by the builder/developer. By living here we give up certain freedoms to be a part of a shared community. These can include parking restrictions, noise levels, aesthetic guidelines for house & yard designs & colors., and other things that you can do, or not do, with your property. The goal of the CC&Rs is to protect, preserve, and enhance property values in the community.
When you closed escrow on your home you were given a full set of the CC&Rs that govern Rainbow Bend and your home and you have agreed to abide by them.
You can download a copy of the Rainbow Bend CC&Rs below.
Before any property in a planned development can be sold, the developer must form a Homeowners Association to run it. Each purchaser of property here automatically becomes a member of the Association. Our Association was created by filing Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. These Articles are brief and contain only basic information about the Association, its name, location, and its purpose.
You can download a copy of the Articles of Incorporation below.
Once formed, the Association adopts a set of bylaws. Bylaws are very important. They describe how an association is run, set out voting rights, and contain rules for such things as how to call a meeting and how often meetings must be held. They also describe the Association's rights and responsibilities, like enforcing rules and collecting assessments. They lay out procedures for creating the annual budget and determining assessment amounts. Our Association is run by a Board of Directors, made up of homeowners, elected by the membership. The bylaws also set forth the term of office of these board members and their responsibilities.
You can download our Bylaws below.
Although general rules & regulations may be contained within the CC&Rs, the Association also adopts separate "Rules & Regulations. Rules & regs cover everything from prohibiting broken cars and trash in yards to the height of fences allowed, and use of facilities. Because the purpose of the Association is to do what is best for the common good and value of the development regardless of whether all individual owners agree, the Rules & Regulations are often the most controversial documents. Because the Rules & Regulations can affect how the property is used, it is recommended that you view them carefully & often and keep up with any changes.
You can download a copy of the Rules & Regulations below.
Architectural Review is a vital part of maintaining the aesthetics and property values in our Association and community. These are restrictions as to what you can do, or not do, to the outside of your home. these rules are designed to keep our community here looking at its best and maintain property values. The approval process is administered by a Board that is appointed by our HOA Board of Directors. The authority and responsibilities of this Board are detailed in our CC&Rs, Bylaws, and the Rules & Regulations. Therefore, it is required that all homeowners follow these rules and get approval before beginning any outdoor project on their home or property. THE ARB has combined all of the various rules governed in these documents into one set of Rules that are easier to read and understand.
You can download a copy of the ARB Rules & the request form below.
Below you will find download links to current Rainbow Bend Policies, Rules and important forms.